Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving and best water pressure ever

Jen and I enjoyed Thanksgiving in San Antonio right next to the Alamo. If you go left out of our hotel is the Alamo and on the right is a Mall so we're all set.

For our Thanksgiving dinner we ate at the Food Court-mmmm.

Then we walked around the River Walk. Jenna absolutely loved the Mariachi Band here which makes me think she somehow inherited my love of off the chart music.

The Menger Hotel where we are staying was bulit in 1859 and is allegedly haunted. Jenna has been really hoping to see a ghost while we're here although the other day she stayed in the room while I went to get an Iced Tea and she heard a noise in the bathroom and called me in a horrible panic. I thought it might be the ghost of Teddy Roosevelt but it was just the shower curtain that fell.

Today we're going to see 'Haunted Castle 3D' at the IMAX next door.

Showering here is a real treat-the water pressure is just a tad higher than a fire hose. Blasted any dirt right off of me and into the next county.

Not as great as being at home for Thanksgiving but all in all a pretty good second!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Back to blogging

Finally, after a few months off due to working a ton of hours here in Houston I was able this evening to catch up on Eric and Linda's blogs. Sorry Annie, I'll catch up on yours this week! Looks like I've been missing a lot of excitement.

I also have been scrapbooking my little heart out here in Texas so lotta new stuff to see when I get back up North.

Which is a sore subject by the way since me and Jenna aren't going home for Thanksgiving this year.....not enough time. I can't take Jenna out of school and I don't want to fly home during the incredibly crazy travel times. So I end up homesick. But that's OK, I'll make up for it by being crabby at work:-)

Well I'm sure I'll blog with pix when Jenna and I go to San Antonio for Thanksgiving. We're going to the Haunted Menger Hotel and we have tickets for the Haunted San Antonio tour on Saturday. So we'll give a shout out to the ghost of Teddy Roosevelt which appears frequently at the bar at the Menger Hotel. (According to Ghost Hunters on TV as well as drunk patrons who apprently see him more the more they drink.)

Friday, September 3, 2010

Remember the Alamo

I had been telling Jenna about the ultra cool Alamo Theater they have here in Houston. This was the first time I'd ever seen a theater that sold alcoholic drinks during movies. You can order dinner too and they'll keep bringing you beer and food during the show. They actually crawl in front of the seats to serve people watching the show so that they don't disturb anyone in the audience.

Well I was pretty excited to show Jenna this landmark and last week we drove past it and I excitedly pointed out to her 'Jenna, there's the Alamo that I've been telling you about'.

She looked confused and kept reiterating 'That's the Alamo?'. I said 'yeah, see the big neon sign? '

Fortunately it finally dawned on me that NOOOOO that's not "THE ALAMO". Good thing I figured it out or she'd be thinking that there was a big war held at the theater by the Mall. Of course as much as I hate war I could see defending an outlet mall or a good bookstore.....

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Driving to Houston

It really wasn’t a bad ride at all this time. I popped out of bed in Livonia around 7:00 am and was well on the road by 8:00.

Because it was the weekend traffic was light and there was surprisingly very little construction. Although I would actually liked to see a lot more since it was good weather and construction all over would have at least meant that people were working.

The first night I drove fifteen hours and got to ‘Granada, Mississippi’. There was only one non-smoking room left in the whole town. Turns out it was really a very strong smelling ex-smoking room that they tried to mask with Lysol. Ewwww-but yes, I was that tired.

The next day I was much less enthused about driving so I’m glad that I made a lot of miles the first day.

It rained some but still was a pretty smooth drive.

So thanks to good traffic conditions, gallons upon gallons of Iced Tea, a new tasty treat from Hostess called ‘Cakesters’ (vanilla of course) and lot’s of Rest Area’s I’m now here in Houston and working!

I move into my apartment after work tonight. Woo hoo!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Snow Globe for Jenna

So I’m here at the Lincoln Airport in Springfield, Illinois and I wanted to bring Jenna a Lincoln souvenir. She’s always kind of been a history buff and a few years ago we came here to see the Lincoln sites and she loved it.

Of course on that trip we were going out to dinner during a storm and a strong wind picked up a huge construction site tube that rolled over our car and smashed it to pieces. So all in all that was an exciting trip.

Anyway, at the airport gift shop they had a cool snow globe with a bust of Lincoln in it. Looked like a winner to me so I bought it.

Well, the gift shop is outside of security because there are no shops in this little airport within the secured area-vending machines only.

So I made the purchase which was easy. Then, due to federal regulations the lady who runs the gift shop has to temporarily close the gift shop, take the snow globe, because it contains more than three ounces of liquid, through security and walk it with me to a TSA agent and verify that this is indeed a snow globe that I purchased from her and it has not been out of her hands.

I am thankful at this moment that while oil is ruining our shores and the economy is in the toilet that at least we, as Americans, are protected from snow globes in the air.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


I've been totally worried sick the last month about work. I mean, not sleeping kind of worrying.

While I'm normally scheduling my travel months in advance I had nothing on the horizon past June. I figured that the great project that I've been on for the last two and a half years was coming to a close because after the end of June we have the new software rolled out to all of our companies.

With the job market the way it is, and seeing some downsizing going on I was really getting nervous. However, yesterday I had my annual evaluation and was assured not only of continued employment but some choice on what project I would like to be on.

The week before that, one of our companies offered me a lucrative position there too-but that would mean relocating. But at least it was nice to be asked and nice to know that I will still be employed!

So thankfully, until I hit the right combination of lottery numbers, which I don't even ever buy tickets anyway, I can at least continue earning a living which these days is a wonderful thought.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Joys of Working From Home

When I’m not on the road somewhere I am lucky enough to be able to work from home. There are great advantages to that.

I can wake up at 7:59, roll over and turn on the computer and I’m ready to go. The commute is great. I can stay in my jammies all day.

But there are negative thing too to balance it off: such as-easy accessibility to food. I’m working on that one though, trying to keep only healthy stuff around. Although right now I have a carton of Breyers Rocky Road Ice Cream in the freezer calling my name.

Then the other day I’m on a conference call in my living room with one of our companies in Iowa. The front door is open with a real nice breeze blowing in the screen door. Then my next door neighbor comes to the door ringing the doorbell incessantly and hollering through the screen. I gave him ‘The Look’ and tried waving him off. Fortunately he gave up but not until he put chaos into my call for a solid minute. Turns out he wanted to let us know where hanging flower baskets were on sale.

But I’ve gotta say that I’m really grateful to be able to work from home when I’m not travelling. And now I must go find the source of that sound that’s calling my name from the freezer.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A Carpe Diem Day

A Carpe Diem Day!

(Carpe Diem is Norwegian – it means ‘Eat Carp Every Day’ referring to their healthy lifestyle because they eat so much fish)

So we got out of the meetings earlier than expected today and my flight isn’t until tomorrow so ‘Team Jean’ headed for the hills. We drove to the Shenandoah Mountains and it was beautiful. There were a lot of Civil War sites and buildings that still exist which of course for me means a lot of stops.

Although as usual, I wish history let us daydream about more positive things that happened before us. Like instead of battlefields it’d seriously be nice to see a site where ‘A mom once baked an apple pie with her kids’ here.

After that we hit the Luray Caverns. This was not only cool caves but it also had an organ that the sound came off of the stalactites. Somehow it was hooked up to certain stalactites that gave off a certain sound when the key was pressed and the entire song was played by hitting them. It sounded very cool in this large underground chamber.

It was great taking a day for taking the opportunity when I’m on the road to jump on some local sights. Which basically means that I just traded three hours during the day for sightseeing with three hours during the evening for working but it was well worth it.

But hey, when it’s your turn to dance, ya gotta dance.

Monday, April 5, 2010


What a great Easter. I think the most meaningful thing is that I forced yet another cake upon people. Yep the tangent continues.

It’s still better than my jewelry making kick that I had about a year ago. I bought all these supplies to start creating my own jewelry but after a few pieces that looked like Day Care projects I gave the stuff to Pattye-she’s artistic.

Adam did a real nice representation for the Davis family. Richie didn’t have to work-yay! Nancy brought brownies and Richie brought cookies.

Laura and Robb were there and all pumped up about their new appliances. They donated their old appliances to the Salvation Army. (Not to be confused with the Salivation Army which collects used spit). They got LG appliances and LG makes some cool stuff.

Irm had ham, rolls, veggies, potatoes and other good stuff.

All in all a great time but no one remembered to bring games-Linda where were you on that one? Going to have to call and remind someone next time anyway. Although Eric did try starting a great ‘Guess What Number I’m Thinking Of’ contest before he had to go to work.

I think I have Janet ready to start going to my gym. I hope so. I signed her up on my way to Irms. I had to go work out before eating Easter dinner.

Pat Chuck and the kids came with their Easter baskets. Jenna got a magazine with….oh yes……Justin Bieber pictures. EEEEEEEEKKKKKK!!!!!

On my way out I played a little hopscotch with Muffin and Julia. Lotta fun!

Monday, March 29, 2010

I HATE Fancy Restaurants

In case you hadn’t figured it out by now, I HATE fancy restaurants. I was really tired and hungry today when I left the Jackson office so I went to a place near the hotel.

I knew I was screwed as soon as I walked in the place. There was a person whose job was just to place the cloth napkin on my lap and fill up my water over and over again.

The only thing I recognized (and that I would eat) on the menu was a Filet Mignon but even that came with something called ‘White Truffle Demi-Glace’. And alls I can say about that is WTF is that? So I told the waiter that I didn’t know if I liked that stuff so please put it on the side. Turns out it looked like gravy but….it was brown. And yet the description clearly said ‘White Truffle Demi-Glace’ so I know they were just messing with me.

And if only I had a mechanical engineer with me I could have figured out how to get salt out of the metal contraption on the table that looked like a men’s cologne bottle.

I’m here two more days so tomorrow I’ll be on the hunt for Waffle Houses and Micky D's.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Spooky Parking Lot

So Jenna and I stopped by Kroger’s tonight on the way back from her doctor’s appointment. After working out really good three days in a row I needed a sugar binge to keep me in balance (thanks Pattye for that excuse). So we stopped and picked up some ice cream.

On a side note Ben and Jerry’s had ‘Steven Colbert’s Americone Dream’ so we had to get it. That and some Edy’s Rocky Road-and yes, Jenna and I sang the Weird Al classic ‘I Love Rocky Road’ at the checkout.

Anyway when we were done at Kroger’s we went out into the parking lot. It was dark but I hit the key chain and the headlights came on. We got right up to the car and Jen was about to open her door to get in and the car drove off. We totally freaked. It was a dark blue Impala, just like mine, which was parked one row over. We laughed ourselves sick on the way home.

Then we got home and overindulged in dairy products.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Drooling Jan-O

So after a few test runs Janet finally got her wisdom teeth pulled this week.
She and Eric pulled up at the dentist bright and early for the 8:00 appointment. Then they turned around and went home when they were told that it really wasn’t until 11:00. I guess Janet was just too excited about the upcoming extractions.

I had to go to my personal training session at the gym so afterwards I told Eric that I’d come take over for him sitting in the lobby at the dentists. When having a mouth job like that they require that you have an adult driver in the lobby at all times.

So I entered the waiting room where Eric sat with his cell phone and Steve Martin book (good choice by the way) and he left. About twelve seconds later they came out to announce that Janet was done. I escorted the nurse back and there was Janet. Swelled up, mouth full of gauze, vacuous eyes and blithering aimlessly. I listened to the instructions such as gargle with salt water, no straws etc. and then the wheeled Janet out in a wheel chair to my car.

The real highlight though was when I was going to help her into the house through the snow covered yard but she insisted she could walk….in fact, through her gauze filled mouth she insisted she could run and then she trotted off in extremely slow motion stumbling running steps.

But by yesterday she seemed just fine. Due, in no small part to her the servant we supplied her with from ‘Rent-A-Jen’.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

These are a few of my favorite things....

A fluffy snowy day like today is a perfect time for me to reach up in the closet where I know I have a hidden treasure chest. It’s full of some of my favorite things on the whole planet.

When the kids were really little I used to hide their Easter Basket and make clues that they had to think through to find it. So, when they went on vacation with Norm and I really knew I was going to miss them Janet and Eric made me my own clues and games. Sometimes one for each day. I’ve kept them all.

There’s also a shopping list where Janet had written ‘Betty Crocker White Cake Mix’, Icing etc because she was making me a birthday cake. The cake is long gone but the thought is so cool.

And what would it be without post cards from Janet that she wrote on planes that, when turbulence hit she writes ‘This card may never get to you, this may be the last thing I ever write’.

I have a really huggy picture of me and Pattye that I love. As you know she has never been one for pictures or publicly expressing much so this is a gold mine for me.

And Eric’s picture in a Tiger Basketball frame. We were in a store once around Christmas and he got out of line with me and said that he’d meet me in the front in a few minutes. Well, he took his money and went back and bought this frame and cut out his school picture, put it in there and wrapped it up for me for Christmas. The best gift of all there was that he knew that he was loved so much that it would be a great present for me.

And there’s cards from Jenna from when I first moved to Houston and she was trying to comfort how homesick I was by telling me that if I think I’m going to cry I should watch Spongebob cause that helps her.

I also have a cool 1940 Superman trading card from my brother Jim.

So eat your heart out Louvre patrons, I’ve got the best stuff here.

Maybe I’m sentimental, maybe my hormones are out of whack but whatever, every now and then it’s a great day to look at this!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Gym and Me

Well, I’ve been working out intensely for two months now. This Sunday, Super Bowl Sunday will be my two month mark with the Personal Trainer who really pushes me. Also I’ve been trying to diet good. (Atkins Diet).

So this Sunday I will compare where I am now to where I started out on December 7th, 2009. I know I’ve lost inches cause I can wear smaller clothes and button things that never buttoned before.

However I did warn them that if it doesn’t show that I lost weight, they’d better lie to me. Yes I know that muscle weighs more than fat, blah blah blah, but I don’t wanna hear it.

That all being said, somehow last night, after an especially rigorous workout I totally binged on three doughnuts and a double dip cone.

All right, today-back on the band wagon. Any day now I’ll be able to share clothes with Jenna.