Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Spooky Parking Lot

So Jenna and I stopped by Kroger’s tonight on the way back from her doctor’s appointment. After working out really good three days in a row I needed a sugar binge to keep me in balance (thanks Pattye for that excuse). So we stopped and picked up some ice cream.

On a side note Ben and Jerry’s had ‘Steven Colbert’s Americone Dream’ so we had to get it. That and some Edy’s Rocky Road-and yes, Jenna and I sang the Weird Al classic ‘I Love Rocky Road’ at the checkout.

Anyway when we were done at Kroger’s we went out into the parking lot. It was dark but I hit the key chain and the headlights came on. We got right up to the car and Jen was about to open her door to get in and the car drove off. We totally freaked. It was a dark blue Impala, just like mine, which was parked one row over. We laughed ourselves sick on the way home.

Then we got home and overindulged in dairy products.

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