Monday, April 5, 2010


What a great Easter. I think the most meaningful thing is that I forced yet another cake upon people. Yep the tangent continues.

It’s still better than my jewelry making kick that I had about a year ago. I bought all these supplies to start creating my own jewelry but after a few pieces that looked like Day Care projects I gave the stuff to Pattye-she’s artistic.

Adam did a real nice representation for the Davis family. Richie didn’t have to work-yay! Nancy brought brownies and Richie brought cookies.

Laura and Robb were there and all pumped up about their new appliances. They donated their old appliances to the Salvation Army. (Not to be confused with the Salivation Army which collects used spit). They got LG appliances and LG makes some cool stuff.

Irm had ham, rolls, veggies, potatoes and other good stuff.

All in all a great time but no one remembered to bring games-Linda where were you on that one? Going to have to call and remind someone next time anyway. Although Eric did try starting a great ‘Guess What Number I’m Thinking Of’ contest before he had to go to work.

I think I have Janet ready to start going to my gym. I hope so. I signed her up on my way to Irms. I had to go work out before eating Easter dinner.

Pat Chuck and the kids came with their Easter baskets. Jenna got a magazine with….oh yes……Justin Bieber pictures. EEEEEEEEKKKKKK!!!!!

On my way out I played a little hopscotch with Muffin and Julia. Lotta fun!


LINDA said...

Sounds like a blast - I'm sorry we missed it! Thanks for the play-by-play of the day. Y'all know all too well how it feels to be in Texas when there is a party going on in Michigan.

Eric said...

That sure was a nice Easter, and your cake went over in a big way. I think it should be a new Easter tradition.

LINDA said...

Was it a chocolate cake? Was it shaped like a bunny or something? Are there any pictures of the cake?

ModemMama said...

It was a big Easter Egg. The bonus area was where I spackled in an air hole with a ton of icing. Sorry-white cake. Well you weren't there so I figured it would be OK to show up with White Cake.