Sunday, December 27, 2009

Fright Flights

Well how creepy is the attempted attack on the flight to Detroit from Amsterdam? Update-and now another one.....

For someone who uses planes to go to work almost every week it’s very scary. Here’s a little tidbit that I’ve noticed over the last year-I’ll bet at least 85% of the flights that I’m on, the person in the window seat in the exit row is a dark skinned guy, by themselves, aged around 25 years old. Not being prejudiced, just noticing a fact.

I started noticing that awhile back because if I can’t get a seat near the front I always go for the exit rows because they’re roomier. And it didn’t take long to catch on to that demographic. Sometimes I’ll be sitting in the aisle seat in the exit row and watch the line of people coming on the plane. When I see a person who meets that description I know they will sit there and they usually do. And, for planes that are usually about 90% white or couples and families, this is even a stranger statistic. I’m going to start taking pictures now of them……I’ll pretend I’m getting a picture out the window.

Of course now I’m also worried that I’ll over react. Like, when one of them reaches for their bag of peanuts I’ll head butt them or something.

I know if I’m ever on a plane and something happens like that guy from Nigeria was planning, I’d want my kids to know how much I love them, that’s for sure, but I’d hope they know that anyway. No matter how old I get and they get, I still get a kick out of looking at them and talking to them. Yep, in the family area I really lucked out! But then again that’s another tangent.

The worst part of this story could be new rules for air travel. I mean, what if they really start limiting what you can bring on. What about all of the hair care products that I routinely travel with? And if there’s longer lines my occasional lack of patience, especially with early morning flights will exhibit itself even quicker.

And once again, not to appear biased, but if that TSA agent in Detroit who wears a turban puts me in the high security screening line again I’ll scream. Well, no I won’t cause that’ll just delay me even more.

So I guess I’ll just expect longer lines and less patience and try not to jump on someone on the plane for reaching for their MP3 player or something.

1 comment:

LINDA said...

That is an interesting observation! Maybe those young guys just like the exit rows because they have more legroom? And the gate agents like to give them to young males because they would allegedly be most helpful during an evacuation. Anyway, I think that the TSA should invest in bomb-sniffing canines. That is my solution to this whole problem - the dogs can detect explosives while security agents cannot.