Thursday, January 8, 2009

Another day in Paradise

Days like this I have to say I sure like my job. Fortunately I have a lot of days like this. But for today here is the reason….

First there’s the early morning drive through Newark New Jersey to get to the office. I love being able to visit different places and meeting new people and I get to travel all over the country.

Then I saw, for the first time in my life the real Statue of Liberty. I thought that was so cool that it will be the subject of its own blog.

And then the job itself, I mean here I am, little old Jeanie Turner walking around chatting with presidents of a Fortune 500 Company talking about pricing strategy. That part never fails to amaze me.

I worked all day installing software on laptops. There’s always little quirks that have to be worked out and I enjoy doing it and it makes me feel smart. Then there was a training session and I love training.

Then we all went out to dinner at a fancy restaurant. Yes, I hate fancy restaurants, I always have. I never know what half the words on the menu mean and I sure don’t know how to eat it once I get it. And I really can’t understand why you’d pay 50.00 for dinner when you could buy 25 TV dinners for that kind of money. But-this place had a great view of downtown NYC and the Statue of Liberty. In fact it was called Liberty Place.

All in all it really was another day in paradise.

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