Monday, March 29, 2010

I HATE Fancy Restaurants

In case you hadn’t figured it out by now, I HATE fancy restaurants. I was really tired and hungry today when I left the Jackson office so I went to a place near the hotel.

I knew I was screwed as soon as I walked in the place. There was a person whose job was just to place the cloth napkin on my lap and fill up my water over and over again.

The only thing I recognized (and that I would eat) on the menu was a Filet Mignon but even that came with something called ‘White Truffle Demi-Glace’. And alls I can say about that is WTF is that? So I told the waiter that I didn’t know if I liked that stuff so please put it on the side. Turns out it looked like gravy but….it was brown. And yet the description clearly said ‘White Truffle Demi-Glace’ so I know they were just messing with me.

And if only I had a mechanical engineer with me I could have figured out how to get salt out of the metal contraption on the table that looked like a men’s cologne bottle.

I’m here two more days so tomorrow I’ll be on the hunt for Waffle Houses and Micky D's.


LINDA said...

Ha-ha, that is especially funny when they place the napkin on your lap! Well, at least you get to eat, unlike some people we know.

KarenR52 said...

OH....too good for Denny's, eh? I waitressed at a fancy restaurant in St. Louis in the early days. I actually had to pop the lobster out of its shell at the table and hope it didn't fly across the room! It was a pain in the ass.

p.s. I also have a blog with Google, although I've been remiss lately.