Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Role Models

Role models: Everyone’s got ‘em. Whether you’re conscious of them or not-you’ve got them. The trick is to make them good ones! If your role model is a rap star going to prison for illegal gun trade then maybe you should rethink that one.

Fortunately I think I lucked out. I have my brother Jim for a role model. Jim, (who Janet is a lot like) has always been success driven, with minimal excitement levels, but smart and funny with the famous Turner dry wit. Growing up it was always easy to look up to him, he did great in school and I always loved school. He learned a lot of neat things and continues to learn-which might be why I’m just starting to plug away in the piano world while working on learning German.

When we were little he entered a Bike Parade and there was contest for the best decorated bike, and Jim, always looking to be the best at what he does of course had the best decorated bike and won a nice new bike-even got his picture in the paper. How cool is that.

He was the Life Guard and Red Cross certified. He was a Life Guard at our Church Camp and once gave mouth to mouth to a guy having a heart attack at a Bowling Alley! On a lesser scale, but still more ingrained in my memory is when I stepped on a colored toothpick and I was hysterical (Imagine that) but he calmed me down and took care of it.

He even did fun things with his schooling-I remember his ‘log cabin’ made out of Pretzel Sticks that I think he made in college.

Me and Doris used to go visit him in his office in Ann Arbor and I always thought that was so cool that he had his own office and a good job.

Now that he’s retired he got a very cool article in a U of M magazine for the Architecture Department.

Best of all is how he has always helped me out when I call him with stupid things-like every time I had to figure out a percentage, I could never remember how to do that. It’s nice to have that person that you can call like that.

So all of you are looking up to rapper TI-you might want to spend the next 365 days before he gets out of jail, readjusting your goals.

That's What It's All About!

All the traveling, all the moving back up north. All the cooking, (Which I didn’t really do but it sounds good). But it’s all worth every minute of it if it leads to a good party and lots of company.

Yep I couldn’t be happier than a house full of company! Well yeah, then there’s those down times reading and vegging on the couch watching TRU TV that are pretty sweet too but parties are nice.

It was a great Memorial Day/Birthday party for Eland, Kimmie (25) (I mean Kim) and Julia(7). Julia lucked out and not only had a #7 candle on the cake but seven candles to blow out also.

Quite an athletic show in the backyard too with Frisbee all the way in the back and some baseball with ‘loose’ rules near the back porch.

Pretty soon I’m going to have to get all of the bees out of the play house and have the kids come paint it up. Although Jenna was sure happy-she found a Teen Beat magazine with….YES!!!!! The Jonas Brothers (Ah be still my heart)

So it was a fun day although a diet buster with all the cake and Ice Cream but hey, it would be rude not to partake on their special days……

So back to work, but that’s OK if it’ll lead to more parties-and I promise.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Sysco Chicks

My work started a 'Biggest Loser' contest. Well, I'm game since I certainly need something to motivate me. I managed to get a team of four co-workers although that's a pretty sensitive and touchy thing to do. I had to send emails to my friends at work and ask them if they'd like to join a weight loss program. I managed to get some positive responses but I'm still not sure how many I ticked off.

The contest lasts for twelve weeks. The team name we voted on is 'Sysco Chicks'. Friday was our first weigh in since the contest started and our group lost a total of 20 lbs. (5 each on an average) Not exactly the dazzling 'Size 8 here I come' result I was looking for.

Somehow they made me the team captain. I know they wouldn't have done that if they knew that awhile back I joined Weight Watchers for awhile with Nancy and I gained 12 pounds.

I did make motivational work out T-Shirts for our team so maybe that will help. (No, not with my smiling, waving face on them).

Hopefully in the near future people will be coming up and asking me if I'm Jean's little sister. In the meantime though I think I'll go have a delicious rice cake. Mmmmmm