Thursday, May 20, 2010


I've been totally worried sick the last month about work. I mean, not sleeping kind of worrying.

While I'm normally scheduling my travel months in advance I had nothing on the horizon past June. I figured that the great project that I've been on for the last two and a half years was coming to a close because after the end of June we have the new software rolled out to all of our companies.

With the job market the way it is, and seeing some downsizing going on I was really getting nervous. However, yesterday I had my annual evaluation and was assured not only of continued employment but some choice on what project I would like to be on.

The week before that, one of our companies offered me a lucrative position there too-but that would mean relocating. But at least it was nice to be asked and nice to know that I will still be employed!

So thankfully, until I hit the right combination of lottery numbers, which I don't even ever buy tickets anyway, I can at least continue earning a living which these days is a wonderful thought.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Joys of Working From Home

When I’m not on the road somewhere I am lucky enough to be able to work from home. There are great advantages to that.

I can wake up at 7:59, roll over and turn on the computer and I’m ready to go. The commute is great. I can stay in my jammies all day.

But there are negative thing too to balance it off: such as-easy accessibility to food. I’m working on that one though, trying to keep only healthy stuff around. Although right now I have a carton of Breyers Rocky Road Ice Cream in the freezer calling my name.

Then the other day I’m on a conference call in my living room with one of our companies in Iowa. The front door is open with a real nice breeze blowing in the screen door. Then my next door neighbor comes to the door ringing the doorbell incessantly and hollering through the screen. I gave him ‘The Look’ and tried waving him off. Fortunately he gave up but not until he put chaos into my call for a solid minute. Turns out he wanted to let us know where hanging flower baskets were on sale.

But I’ve gotta say that I’m really grateful to be able to work from home when I’m not travelling. And now I must go find the source of that sound that’s calling my name from the freezer.